Pudding on the Moon

My mother, Dantzel White Nelson, reared her children with a tradition of singing lullabies at bedtime.  With a beautiful, classically trained voice, she comforted, reassured and entertained us through song. 
We loved growing up with the sweet sounds
of our mother's voice in our home. 

My eight sisters, one brother and I have all used Mother's songs to comfort and nurture our own children, and now watch with delight as these well-beloved songs are sung by our children to our grandchildren. 

I wanted to turn her song into a book with my own illustrations to preserve it for our future generations, and to share with you, so it can bless your families as well.

Traditions such as lullabies and bedtime stories help link generations and can carry love forward.  I hope this song and story can start a new tradition in your home.